Monday, July 7, 2008

Bloggification Commencicon!

Good evening, Internets. I hope you can here me throughout this series of tubes. I have no idea if anyone will actually care to read any of this, or whatever is to follow. However unlikely an audience may be I think it is time to chip in what little perspective I've got. I think an introduction is in order.

I'm Reaper0Bot0. That's "reaper" followed by a zero, then "bot" followed by another zero. My handle is a reference to the game Quake, which apparently makes me something of a dinosaur. It is not pronounced "Reaper oh Bot oh." Rather, it is "reaper zero bot zero" or just "reaper bot." It is not some script kiddie reference or any other such foolishness.

I'm a law student at the University of Akron in Ohio. I have a year remaining in my studies and after that, well, I don't know. I have some ideas and I'm trying to work them out. I am center-left Democrat with considerable interest in foreign policy and somewhat less interest in social policy (though it still matters a great deal to me). I have been an avid supporter of Senator Barack Obama since the tail end of 2007. I am not here to bash Republicans or mock them generally. I believe in honest and meaningful discourse between the two parties. I am not an ideologue.

What can you expect from this blog? Political commentary, mostly, with discussion of the law, transportation, energy policy, and basically whatever else holds my attention long enough to post about it. I'm particularly hyperactive, which will either be a boon or an encumberance. We'll just have to see.

Please forgive the lack of substance in this first blog. I've been doing some blogging at and the Daily Kos to get acclimated. At this point and going forward I will try to focus my efforts here, with some cross-posting I would expect.

Thank you, to whomever actually reads this missive. More is to come, and there will actually be substance worthy of your time.

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